Computer Application Software Courses

Basic Microsoft Excel


Date and Venue

April 17, 2023 - April 21, 2023
July 3, 2023 - July 7, 2023
Sept. 11, 2023 - Sept. 15, 2023
Nov. 20, 2023 - Nov. 24, 2023



    • Summarize data with Excel by incorporating formulas, formatting, and charts and graphs
    • Optimize your worksheets using templates, graphs and formulas
    • Design simple to complex formulas by nesting Excel functions
    • Import, fine-tune and share Excel data
    • Create, manage and launch macros

COURSE CONTENTIntroduction to Microsoft ExcelThe spreadsheet model• Worksheets and their contents• Differentiating workbooks and worksheetsNavigating the interface• The Ribbon• Customizing the interface• Managing large spreadsheets by zooming• Identifying worksheet tabs by color• Changing worksheet viewsBasic data editing• Modifying cell contents and formats• Inserting data with AutoFill• Knowing when to use Paste SpecialAcquiring and Conforming DataImporting data from outside sources• Integrating data from other Excel sheets• Utilizing data from servers• Managing external links• Finding and removing duplicatesExcel tables and lists• How Excel tables work• Converting text to columns• Sorting and grouping table data• Adding data in a table or listWorksheet Formatting and PresentationInitial formatting• Configuring cell numeric formats• Aligning data within cells• Fitting cells to data size• Naming cells and cell rangesWorksheet presentation• Freezing worksheet areas• Hiding content in worksheets• Editing, modifying and saving templatesInnovative formatting• Styling cells and sheets with prebuilt styles• Conditionally formatting cells and data• Rotating and wrapping textLeveraging Formulas and FunctionsFormula basics• Performing simple calculations• Specifying relative and absolute cell references• Examining formulas with the auditing tools• Concatenating text with the & operator• Introducing functions with the Wizard and Formula tabs• Working with statistical functions: SUM, MAX, MIN, COUNT and COUNTACleaning up data and manipulating data further• Utilizing TRIM, UPPER, LOWER LEFT and RIGHT MID functions• Manipulating dates with YEAR, MONTH, DAY and TEXT functions• Nesting formulas to perform multiple functions• Defining and utilizing names in formulas• Working with data in advanced formulasCreating a Visual Presentation of DataCharting your data• Determining when charts are required• Creating and modifying charts with wizards• Adjusting chart layouts, title and labelsPrinting workbooks• Setting options on the Page Layout tab• Viewing and adjusting page breaks• Developing appropriate headers and footersIntroducing Advanced Excel FeaturesPivotTable basics• Creating a PivotTable with wizards• Pivoting existing PivotTable dataFinal workbook touches• Reviewing and adding comments on worksheets• Protecting and sharing worksheets• Tracking shared worksheet changesCreating and managing macros• Macro basics and when to use a macro• Recording effective macros• Launching macros from buttons